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Clare Millionaire Escapes Speeding Conviction

By Eric Hillis
Est. Reading: 2 minutes



84-year-old retired farmer John Joseph McCabe had the speeding summons struck off by Judge Mary Larkin at Ennis District Court.

McCabe, from Skehanagh, Clarecastle, denied the accusation that he was speeding at Ennis Road, Clare Commons, on August 7th, 2020.

Garda Darren Lynch said he recorded McCabe's vehicle, a Toyota Hilux, at a speed of 73kmph in a 50kmph zone. McCabe had failed to pay the fixed charge penalty notice he was issued.

Representing himself, McCabe said he knew the Skehanagh area well, adding that he was once involved in a "multi million deal" in the area.

McCabe claimed he was stopped while approaching the Skehanagh roundabout, which he believes is in an area with a speed limit of 80kmph.

Garda Lynch disputed this claim, saying "It was nowhere near the roundabout, judge. It was outside the school. I stopped him where I saw him speeding. He was outside the school."

When Judge Larkin asked McCabe why the Garda would make up the story, McCabe replied "I can’t figure it out. His geography is probably wrong. I live in the area. I’m no stranger. I owned the lands." He went on to say he had witnesses who could back up his version of the incident.

"There is no 80km limit coming into any roundabout, let me tell you sir," Judge Larkin told McCabe. However, while she had no doubts about Garda Lynch's story, she said she had a "slight doubt" and would give the benefit of the doubt to McCabe. She closed by warning McCabe "Don’t let me see you here again. I’ll remember you and Skehanagh roundabout and everything you told me."


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