Dozens Of Aer Lingus Flights To Be Cancelled Next Week Due To Industrial Action

Dozens of Aer Lingus flights are set to be cancelled next week as pilots stage industrial action, with little hope of a resolution.

Pilots are planning to stage a work-to-rule, possibly leading to an increase in cancellations from next week. 

As a result, Aer Lingus are scrambling to accommodate passengers who are set to be affected by this action, by trying to get extra seat capacity, while an intervention from the Labour Court or Workplace Relations Commission remaining unlikely, as the airline and Irish Airline Pilots Association are described as being "poles apart".

The pilots are seeking a 24% pay increase, and have only been offered a 12.25% increase by the airline, with a Labour Court recommending an increase of 9.25%, which was rejected by the pilots. 

According to reports, Aer Lingus are attempting hire so-called wet leases, which are aircraft rented by a crew, in order to limit the level of disruption set to be caused by this industrial action.

It has also been reported that Aer Lingus have a disruption agreement with rivals Ryanair, to accommodate some passengers affected by this. However, with Summer travel season underway, Aer Lingus may only be able to accommodate a limited number of people.

Despite this, Aer Lingus chief corporate affairs officer Dónal Moriarty has insisted that the airline remain open to talks with Ialpa, Labour Court or negotiations via the WRC.

"All indications are that the work-to-rule will go ahead,” a source said. “The pilots appear entrenched and IAG has not had a dose of the jitters". 

“The only real way of building their pay beyond the 12.25pc [offered by the airline] is to have a discussion on productivity and flexibility,” Mr Moriarty said. ​“We’re absolutely open to talking to them, but it really has to be on the basis of a meaningful discussion rather than a proposed additional increase in pay that isn’t funded". 



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