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Fáilte Ireland Warns Tourism Sector Faces Recruitment Crisis This Summer

By Eric Hillis
Est. Reading: 1 minute



The research projects incoming air travel to Ireland will rise to 83% of its pre-pandemic level this summer, leading to a large influx of tourists.

Fáilte Ireland presented concerning results of a survey that saw 30% of business owners respond with fears that they may have to close due to a shortage of staff.

With the hospitality sector shut down throughout most of the pandemic, many workers have either left the country or taken jobs in other sectors, leading to a shortage of available, skilled staff.

"The pandemic has had a profound impact on the industry’s skill base, with a mass exodus of workers into other industries that reopened earlier," said Fáilte Ireland’s CEO Paul Kelly.  "Today marks what we hope will be the transition from survival to a sustained and sustainable recovery. Tourism is a building block for regional balance and a critical contributor to social cohesion. It is essential for creating sustainable communities and a significant generator of jobs in regional and rural Ireland. As a critical part of the national economy, only when tourism recovers can there be a nationwide recovery."

Fáilte Ireland revealed it will spend €10 million this year on marketing aimed towards promoting short term breaks.


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