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Transatlantic Aer Lingus Flights Close to Sold Out as US Removes Travel Restrictions

By Eric Hillis
Est. Reading: 1 minute



Today sees the reopening of the US's land and air borders to foreign travellers. A ban on non-essential travel to the US has been in place for the past 19 months.

Along with the US, Canada and Mexico are also lifting their travel restrictions today.

Anyone travelling to the US must be fully vaccinated and produce a negative Covid result from a test taken up to 72 hours before travelling. Airlines are required to operate a contact tracing system.

Unvaccinated travellers can enter the US if their reason for travelling is considered essential. Such people must produce a negative Covid test result from no longer than one day before travelling. They must also be tested three to five days after arriving in the US, unless they can produce proof of having recovered from the virus in the past 90 days.

No such vaccine mandates have been put in place for domestic air travel within the US.

With over 750,000 deaths from over 46 million cases, the US is the country most affected by the pandemic.


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