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Gardai Cracking Down on Phone Use Behind the Wheel

By Dan Pitcher
Est. Reading: 1 minute



Gardaí detected 266 drivers using their phones while behind the wheel in a recent 24-hour national crackdown. The figure is a significant increase from the usual daily average of 60 detections in 2024.

The crackdown, which ran from January 15th to 16th, was part of a larger effort to reduce distracted driving across the country.

The figures reveal the scale of the issue, with over four times as many offenders detected compared to a typical day. So far this year, 762 motorists have received Fixed Penalty Notices, each carrying a €120 fine and three penalty points.

Last year, Gardaí issued over 21,500 penalty notices for phone use while driving, underscoring the continuing problem.

Gardaí are sending a clear message: using a phone while driving is incredibly dangerous. It distracts drivers and takes their attention away from the road, significantly increasing the risk of accidents.

The force has urged all drivers to prioritize safety, with a simple and clear piece of advice: "Just don’t do it."

The crackdown is part of ongoing efforts to improve road safety and reduce the number of traffic-related injuries and fatalities. Gardaí are committed to tackling this issue, and drivers are being urged to remain fully focused while behind the wheel.


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