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Number Of Tents Pitched Along Grand Canal Rises To 100

By Dalton MacNamee
Est. Reading: 2 minutes



The number of tents has been rising steadily since the first set were pitched between Mount Street Bridge and Huband Bridge last Friday evening. This comes after over 100 tents were removed from around the International Protection Office on Mount Street. 

These tents are now located just a few hundred yards from where they were originally pitched on Mount Street.

It was reported that 1,710 male International Protection applicants who arrived since December, are still waiting on offers of state provided shelter, including 150 applicants who arrived last week. 

According to reports, 300 unaccommodated asylum seekers who had been living in these Mount Street tents, were offered alternative accommodation last week in Citywest, and Crooksling in Dublin.

Kevin Byrne, the chair of the South Georgian Core Residents Association, has called for the International Protection Office to be removed from Dublin's city centre.

He also stated that this system is failing both asylum seekers and residents, and can no longer be tolerated. 

"It demonstrably can't handle the inflow it's getting there or safely provide the supports that are needed. Wrap-around supports are clearly needed. It's important that security, sanitation and other basic services can be provided", he said. 

This was after Taoiseach Simon Harris had previously said that a multi-agency meeting had taken place to discuss the growing number of tents along the Grand Canal, Dublin. 

He said, "What happened on Mount Street was allowed to go on for weeks and weeks, and months and months in fact, this will not be the situation in relation to the Grand Canal". 

Mr Harris added that he is also standing by his  "clear commitments in relation to not wanting to see another Mount Street situation develop", and that work is ongoing to find accommodation. 

"I am confident that more progress on accommodation will be made in the hours and days ahead". 


Written by Dalton MacNamee

Dalton Mac Namee is a content writer for and a freelance GAA reporter from Louth, Ireland.

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