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Father Ted Episode Slapped With 'Trigger Warning' Due To 'Racial Impersonations & Language'

By Dalton MacNamee
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An episode of the famous Irish comedy, Father Ted, has been hit with a trigger warning amid concerns it could cause offence to viewers, according to reports.

The episode in question, titled 'Are You Right There Father Ted', has been slapped with a trigger warning, due to its "racial impersonations and language".  

The episode, which was aired in 1998, shows Father Ted played by the late Dermot Morgan, appearing to mock the Chinese by wearing a lampshade on his head.

This episode also makes a reference to Adolf Hitler, with an unfortunately placed mark on the window of the parochial house, and some controversial arm gestures.

Father Ted also spends the episode trying to convince others that he is not a racist.

A trigger warning has now been put in place for this episode by Channel Four, who have stated that "This episode was made in 1998 and contains language and racial impersonation which some viewers may find offensive". 

"nothing has changed"

This move has been met with strong criticism from Free Speech Union leader Toby Young, who had this to say.

 "The language and behaviour was 'offensive' in 1998 - that was the point", stated Young. "This episode was mocking the hyper-sensitivity of our age, something that was already apparent 27 years ago". 

"For Channel 4 to attach a trigger warning shows that nothing has changed", he added. "The scolds and finger-waggers are as humourless as ever". 

Regarding the lampshade scene, Father Ted Creator, Graham Linehan said: "We wrote that episode partly to shame racist idiots". 

Channel Four have yet to comment on the matter.

Written by Dalton MacNamee

Dalton Mac Namee is a content writer for and a freelance GAA reporter from Louth, Ireland.

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