MRC the production company in question are seeking damages against the actor for lost revenue attributed to Spacey's sudden exit from the show after the allegations of sexual abuse emerged.
MRC said in their documents that Spacey was suspended from the show after these allegations came to light. They found that he had "breached provisions of both the Acting and Executive Producing Agreements that set standards for his workplace conduct, including by breaching MRC's Harassment Policy".
The company also said that they had "no knowlegdge whatsover" of Spacey's behaviour "with any cast or crew associated with the Show".
MRC are also claiming that the actor's departure from the show caused "substantial losses" for the company, having had to rewrite the scripts excluding Spacey's character Frank Underwood from the show. They also had to completely restructure series six.
Kevin Spacey's representatives have yet to comment on the situation.